Belgium |
Rondzwervende" informatica localiseren en bescbermen!
Xylos heeft een exclusief distributieakkoord voor België en Luxemburg afgesloten met zTrace Technologies. Die firma spitst haar activiteiten toe op de beveiliging van hardware en de vaak kostbare informatie die erin is opgeslagen.
Pister et proteger L'informatique anormalement "nomade"!
Xylos as passé un accord exclusif de distribution valable pour la Belgique et le Grand Duché de Luxembourg avec zTrace Technologies, fournisseur américain de logiciels de sécurité.
Et si on vous volait votre portable?
Pour réagir à cette menace bien réelle - entre 3 et 5% des ordinateurs 'disparaissent' dans les grandes entreprises - Xylos va distribuer en Belgique ztrace et zControl, deux logiciels 'invisibles' qui permettent respectivement de localiser le voleur d'un portable et de prendre le contrôle à distance du PC volé.
Notebook foetsie? zTrace spoort hem op
Twee 'onzichtbare' softwarepakketten, zTrace en zControl, traceren de dief van een gestolen notebook en nemen vervolgens op afstand de controle over de gestolen pc over. In België brengt opleidingsspecialist Xylos de pakketten op de markt.
Xylos spoort gestolen pc's op en recupereert informatie na diefstal
Xylos heeft een distributie-overeenkomst gesloten met zTrace Technologies; zTrace Technologies legt zich toe op de beveiliging van computerapparatuur en de vaak kostbare informatie.
LUDO WIJCKMANS Xylos volgt verloren of gestolen pc's op de voet
Heel weinig bedrijven gaan na welke gevolgen het verlies of diefstal van een pc kan hebben.
LUDO WIJCKMANS Xylos suit à la trace les PC perdus ou volés
Très peu d’entreprises évaluent l’impact d’un pc perdu ou volé.
Eigen werknemers grootste dieven
Liefst 70% van de ontvreemde laptops is gestolen door eigen werknemers. Dat vertelt Ludo Wijckmans in het kader van het akkoord dat Xylos gesloten heeft met zTrace Technologies
70 procent diefstallen laptops door eigen mensen
Computerdienstengroep Xylos lanceert dienst die gestolen computers opspoort
VOORAL LAPTOPS DOELWIT Xylos gaat achter pc-dieven aan
Bedrijven worden zich steeds meer bewust van de kost van gestolen pc’s.
England |
How to Trace Stolen Notebooks over the Net
A Look at zTrace’s solution from Britain. Does it measure up?
The Register
France |
zTrace Hits French News Publications
News about zTrace is spreading all over the world.
French News Agency
zTrace Sparks Interest in France
zTrace gives battle to laptop theft.
French Discussion Forum
zAgent Stops Robbers of Notebooks
"Technology, which makes it possible to find stolen portable computers...."
Transfert Net
French Security-Information Site Presents the zSecurity Suite
“The zSecurity Suite can pinpoint the exact location of a stolen notebook....”
Security Information Webring
The France On-Line Publication Talks about zTrace
“The zSecurity Suite marches out against laptop theft....”
France On-Line Publication
Germany |
zTrace Reaches Europe: News from Germany
“This tool according to specification helps to regain stolen laptops or other mobile devices....”
Chip Online Magazine
Indonesia |
Word about zTrace is Spreading in Southeast Asia
Indonesian web tech journal reviews zTrace
Indonesian Hi Tech News
Italy |
A Program Made-to-Order for Tracing a Stolen PC
"zTrace not only traces a stolen laptop but also recovers it....”
zTrace Reviewed in the Italian NOEMA News
“New software that is able to trace and locate a stolen laptop....”
Trade Newsletter Reviews both zTrace Gold and zSecurity Suite
"zTrace does not stop with detection and recovery...."
Zeus News
zTrace Featured in Italian Easy-Board Discussion
People in various countries are showing interest in the zTrace laptop security system.
Creative Web SNC
Un software contro i furti del pc
Leading Italian portal Tiscali writes about zTrace Technologies.
Japan |
 | is chosen to be the 'Dot Com of the Day' by Japanese 100SHIKI.COM
zPass is reviewed and praised by Japanese 'Web Site of the Day' page and in the newsletter that goes to tens of thousands
Japan is Showing Interest in zTrace Technologies
"zTraceGold is for anyone who caries a notebook around....”
zTrace in Japan Net Security-Magazine
Review in Japan Net Security-Magazine discusses zTrace
Net Security Magazine
Poland |
zTrace Hits Poland
A Polish on-line publication discusses zTrace in its review of the latest mobile technologies.
IDG News
Russia |
Stolen Notebooks Will Be Tracked Down through the Internet
“Soon the owners of notebooks will not be afraid of the loss of their mobile friend....”
AIF Internet
Russia is Talking about zTrace
“zTrace can trace the exact location of a stolen notebook....”
Word about zTrace is Spreading throughout the World
“This technology in no way gives evidence of its presence on a computer. One can rest assured that zTrace-can neither be disconnected nor removed.”
It is Now Possible to Find a Lost or Stolen Notebook
”It is practically impossible to detect whether a computer is protected by zTrace technology. It can neither be disconnected nor removed....”
Notebook Portal
The Interpol from a Flea Market
“And when a stolen notebook connects to the Internet, the “cheetah” jumps. And then the sirens start to go off in the zTrace system, and an actual IP-address appears on-screen, indicating the physical location of the stolen notebook - it all happens within a few seconds....”
A Device for the Detection of Stolen Computers Has Been Created
”The detection system goes to work at once after the first connection of the missing computer to the Network....”
You Can Find a Stolen Laptop by Using the Internet
“The American company zTrace is planning to innovate a new service in Europe which will trace stolen notebooks through the internet....”
zTrace Technologies in Russian Internet Edition
“zTrace already has examples of the successful operation of their software. In one company with 25.000 employees, all three notebooks that disappeared during the past year were retrieved.”
Stolen Computers Let Themselves Be Found
"In the past year all disappeared notebooks were found....”
Russian Computer Magazine on zTrace Technologies
"It sounds like a fragment from some fantastic movie, but nevertheless it’s true: software developed by the zTrace company activates tracking technology when a stolen laptop is connected to the Internet....”
Podvodnaya Lodka Magazine
Ukraine |
Ukrainian News Agency on zTrace
“zTrace - the "anticreeping" system for notebooks”
Mobile Office Project
Vietnam |
zTrace Reviewed in the VNN.VN - leading Vietnamese On-Line Magazine
According to the reporter of VNN.VN, zTrace offers a superb solution to laptop theft problem.