Laptop Lockdown: Tracking down the Thief
zTrace anti-theft tracking system “designed to do the Colombo work for you.”
SC Magazine
Laptop Security
Protecting your laptop from theft, and how to track it down if it's
TIME Magazine
Point, Click, and Wow!
zTrace backup and recovery system puts you back to work
Portable Protection
zTrace security solution is recommended by Australian IT advisory web site.
Technology That Rocks
"Grand theft notebook" software...
Smart Computing Magazine
Setting a Trap for Laptop Thieves
zTrace available on HP laptops
50 Most Incredibly Useful Sites
zTrace is listed in the '50 Most Incredibly Useful Sites' by Yahoo! Internet Life Magazine.
Yahoo! Internet Life Magazine
Protect your laptop with zTrace
Unless you can afford to travel with an armed guard, you will need to protect your laptop with zTrace.
zTrace is featured on the Clark Howard Radio Show
Clark Howard's Consumer Action Center analyses and recommends zTrace Technologies for laptop protection needs.
Clark Howard Radio Show
Controlling Remote Access Through PDAs
zTrace provides data self-destruct for PDA
IT World
SecureLab Recommendations
SecureLab dedicated to computer security news and consulting recommends zTrace.
Laptop Security: What You Need to Know
zTrace tracker un-installable by thieves
Unlock the Secrets of Security for Your Laptop
zTrace helps you “recapture the goods.”
USA Today
SC Awards of 2002
zTrace is Nominated for Best Security Solution of the Year
SC Magazine
Hey, laptop lovers! Simplify your on-the-go life. Here's how
“zTrace helps track down your laptop if it's stolen.”
AnchorDesk from ZDnet
AnchorDesk recommends zTrace
Are you a road warrior? zTrace helps track down your laptop if it's stolen.
ZDNet AnchorDesk
l a z l o w
zTrace featured on radio lazlow, a nationally syndicated radio feature about technology.
l a z l o w
To Catch a Laptop Thief
zTrace’s technology is able to get physical address of any stolen computer.
Technology Meetings
Rethinking Security
Rethinking Security after 9-11: Seven Steps To Tighten Network Security
Novell Connection
Security for laptops
Recover your laptop if it is stolen by using zTrace Gold, says Investor’s Business Daily.
Investor’s Business Daily
New York
Laptop Magazine Surveys zTrace’s Product Line
The zSecurity Suite gets a thumbs-up for helping to “take a bite out of crime.”
Laptop Magazine
Brentwood, TN
RED HERRING's "Catch of the Day"
RED HERRING talks about "Laptops that take care of themselves" and how zTrace technology makes it happen.
San Francisco, CA
Stop, Thief!
Superior laptop protection for companies.
Interactive week from ZDWire
SC Magazine Gives Top Reviews for zTrace Gold
SC Magazine gives a 5 star rating to zTrace Gold for Ease of Use, Performance and Value for Money.
SC Magazine
Framingham, MA
zTrace - Laptop Tracker
"zTrace Basic is a small program that uses the Internet to identify the location of a stolen laptop....”
Network World, Inc
Santa Clara, CA
zLaptop zGone
"A seemingly Windows-only solution for mobile users....”
St. Petersburg Times
St. Petersburg, FL
Tracing Stolen Laptops
“The software package activates a tracing technology when stolen laptops are connected to the Internet....”
Cuban-American Military Council
Los Angeles, CA
Software tracks computers.
zTrace tracking device notifies the owner and authorities of the stolen computer’s exact location
Electronic Weekly
Lapping it Up
zTrace is a virtual tracker for laptops.
Network World Fusion
Resources to Secure Your Business Enterprise
"With the zTrace recovery agent, companies remain one step ahead of unscrupulous employees and thieves...."
Information Security Magazine
Herndon, VA
PC EXPO Rides Wireless Wave
zTrace Technologies offers invisible software "to help recover your stolen notebook."
USA Today
Arlington, VA
More than Just PCs
ABC News calls zTrace Gold the most intriguing PC-related product at PC EXPO.
ABC News
New York, NY
zTrace Helps Locate Stolen Computers
If you have ever worried about someone stealing your laptop, fear no longer.
Merge 93.3 FM Radio
San Jose, CA
How to Trace Stolen Notebooks over the Net
"Software which pinpoints the exact location of laptop thieves via the Net...."
Hack in The Box
San Mateo, CA
PC Expo Rides Wireless Wave
"A service called zTrace Technologies can help you recover a stolen notebook. Its software sits invisibly on your computer."
Hightstown, NJ
PC Expo Review
zTrace Technologies is the tool you’ll wish you installed if you lose your notebook computer or it gets stolen.
New York, NY
Gee-Whiz Products that Impressed at Tech Show
zTrace impressed SiliconValley.com reporters because it “allows for greater chance of recovering stolen computers.”
San Jose, CA
zTrace Technologies on ‘Good Morning America’
zTrace Gold is one of only a few products that were chosen from hundreds to be covered by ABC in ‘Good Morning America’
Good Morning America, ABC
New York, NY
Resources to Secure Your Business Enterprise
Information Security Magazine takes an in-depth look at what zTrace is all about.
Information Security Magazine
Tracing System for Your Laptop
President Alexander Kesler reveals personal reflections on what prompted zTrace.
MetroWest Daily News
eSecurity Conference
zTrace team is proud to co-sponsor the eSecurity Conference.
Westboro, MA
Laptop Insecurity
Inc. Magazine explains the importance of tracking devices mentioning zTrace and its "stealth software."
Inc. Magazine
My Computer's Gone!
Eye On The Internet talks about zTrace on-the-air March 7
Eye on the Internet - Radio Programm
Software for Tracing Stolen Computers
Computing Services Department of Duke Law School endorses and recommends zTrace tracking software solution to all the students on campus.
Computing Services of Duke Law School
New Technologies: zTrace
zTrace is as invisible to you as to a thief
Out of the box
The unique SOS function reports the location of the computer directly to zTrace
Access Control & Security Systems Integration
Innovative Security Products
Innovative Security Products writes about how zTrace works to deliver a tracing system that keeps “on the lookout” for your laptop.
Innovative Security Products
zTrace introduces new product
Without zTrace, you have a 2% chance of ever seeing your stolen computer again or having your data returned.
National Underwriter: Life & Health/Financial Services
Best of 2000 Comdex Report
Article describing the zTrace procedure to secure your laptop.
Semco Data Bus
Comdex 2000 Report
Comdex 2000 Report mentions zTrace as one of the “good products that I want you to see...."
eBlue:Sacra Blue Online
zTrace: What to Do if Your Laptop is Stolen
zTrace is a step ahead with its innovative software to detect the precise location of your stolen laptop. Meticulous efforts are instantly executed as soon as the zTrace Server is alerted to the theft.
Follow that Laptop
A Boston company says it's offering what amounts to a Tracing System for notebooks, which can track a stolen notebook computer wherever it is--similar to how police use the wireless tracking device to recover stolen cars.
Information Week Magazine
zTrace Tracks Lifted Laptops Using Stealth Software, Net Connections.
Analysts said last weekend's disappearance of a laptop computer belonging to the chairman of Qualcomm Inc. highlights the need for companies to...