If the FBI can’t protect laptops, who can? The FBI's public announcement of its laptop loss is a wake-up call for IT managers everywhere.
Crime Rise With Mercury Since the start of summer, police in several Fox Valley departments have reported more thefts and car burglaries than normal.
Chicago Daily Herald
Accounting Urged for Arms, Computers "To have laptops missing that could have national security information on them would be atrocious," – Senator Charles Grassley
Associated Press
FBI missing computers, weapons The FBI found 184 stolen or missing laptops, including one containing classified information from two closed investigations.
City worker charged with computer theft A city employee is charged with theft for taking a personal computer from Birmingham City Hall
Birmingham, Tuscaloosa, Anniston, AL
Get off the desktop! How to get a killer notebook for cheap Computer Shopper Magazine recommends laptops over desktop computers.
Computer Shopper
American’s Wired and Paying for It This year, the typical family will spend $595 on communications services - to surf the Internet, use a wireless phone or page someone - more than triple the $175 spent in 1995, according to the Consumer Electronics Association
Associated Press
Are You Taking Laptops on Vacation? Laptops have joined tank tops as a vacation essential for a growing number of Americans. Plus, mandatory vacation days on rise as economy cools.
U.S. Military Pursues Higher-Tech Security With electronic espionage and other forms of malicious hacking rising even as the amount of sensitive data sent over wired and wireless networks increases, U.S. government and military agencies are driving increased spending on security…
Wireless News Factor
USA Today USA Today features zTrace software and how it helps recover stolen laptops.
USA Today
Arlington, VA
Police arrest suspect in Logan burglary spree A Logan man has been arrested on suspicion of stealing an estimated $3,300 worth of property from 37 cars, several businesses and an LDS church
Cache Valley, UT
Keeping the ‘Bon’ in Your Voyage ABC News offers summer travel tips
Cards lose series and items in hotel theft Nine Cardinals players were the victims of hotel room break-ins during their inter-league series with the Royals
Topeka, KS
Albertson boots up laptop program Albertson College to hand out laptops to incoming freshmen.
Nampa, ID
Laptops stolen from offices are a hot item Police said a criminal ring may be responsible for swiping dozens of laptop computers from businesses throughout North Jersey.
The Record, Bergen County
Defence consultant's laptop stolen British consultant in the Ministry of Defense loses a laptop – “This is the latest in a string of missing laptops that have been lost or stolen in recent months.”
BBC News
United Kingdom
Don't be another victim of laptop computer theft The Business Journal offers some tips to help protect your laptop.
The Business Journal
Cost of computer crime exploding, survey says The Computer Security Institute and the FBI report, “that 85% of respondents reported security breaches in this year's survey, and 26% reported intellectual property theft, up from 20% in 2000.”
Network World