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zTrace Technologies provides a comprehensive set of software components that aids in the recovery of stolen or missing computers and laptops, protects sensitive data in case of unauthorized access and effectively monitors hardware and software assets for tracking. What if YOUR laptop gets stolen?If your laptop is missing, our invisible security software will monitor your laptop and trace it location for recovery.

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What Is It?

ZCONTROL is an invisible software security application, based on ZAGENT core technology, that retrieves files, deletes sensitive information and maintains data privacy AFTER computer loss.

Why Do You Need It?

Laptops with large storage capacity are becoming desktops replacements and that data is valuable. If the computer with this data is lost or stolen, there could be significant negative ramifications. Consider these questions.

How long would you be non-productive? What strategic information could be compromised? Real examples of this type of information include pending mergers, new product intellectual property, business strategies and launch plans, and previously undisclosed financial operating results.

What tactical information could be compromised? Examples include private employment compensation details, proposals to clients, plans for organizational changes, and the myriad of similar information that can be gained from reading a person's email, calendar, contacts, or collection of documents and spreadsheets.

What information about the company's network or computing infrastructure would be revealed that could facilitate an electronic attack? Examples of this type of information include usernames and passwords, dial in numbers, IP addressing schemes, DNS naming conventions, ISPs used, mail servers, and other networking details related to connecting the laptop to the corporate or Internet environment.

What personal information about the laptop owner can be obtained? Examples include personal financial information, confidential family matters, loss of prized digital photographs, credit card numbers and PINS.

How Does It Work?

ZCONTROL is an invisible software application that enables control of the computer's data even AFTER the computer was lost of stolen.

ZCONTROL protects critical and confidential information stored on the computer. The owner of a computer running ZCONTROL can remotely delete or encrypt sensitive files on the computer AFTER the computer stolen.

ZCONTROL also allows the owner to recover the files from the stolen computer by uploading them to the zTrace server as well as render the whole computer useless by locking its keyboard and mouse, while displaying a pre-defined message to the thief or the person in possession of the stolen computer.

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